"It's not that our liberal friends are ignorant. It's just that they know so much that isn't so." -Ronald Reagan

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Atheists Sue to Get Prayer, God Out of Obama's Swearing-In

I don't see the point. I have never seen the point for lawsuits to push someone's belief off on another. I'm fine if people want to be atheists. I think when they go for these lawsuits which try to cram their point of view down my throat then they've stepped over the line. They're free not to pray. They're free to insert "human" in the place of God in their minds if they want. However, for them to try and take away my rights to pray if I want is over the line.

I believe it's a way for these people to feel important. They have a cause and it gives their life meaning. If the President-elect WANTS to pray, more power to him. To have some group force him NOT to pray is wrong.

I know the arguments from the atheists side. I've heard it all. I know why we can no longer pray in school. I know that the minority is forcing their point of view on the majority (again and again), and that, too, is wrong.

I figure, just like the suing folks are probably figuring, that sooner or later someone is going to agree with them and we will no longer be a free country. I'm hoping and praying that the Obama administration isn't the one that will fill the Supreme Court with the kind of justices that will bend to the false premises put forth by the atheists and friends.

Atheists Sue to Get Prayer, God Out of Obama's Swearing-In
By Nikita Stewart
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, December 31, 2008; Page B03

A group of atheists, led by a California man known for challenging the use of the words "under God" in recitals of the Pledge of Allegiance at public schools, filed a lawsuit yesterday to bar prayer and references to God at the swearing-in of President-elect Barack Obama.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Barack Obama continues to lower expectations

I saw the first story this morning on Twitter. Saved it for later when I'd have a chance to read it. Interesting. Worth reading. I then went on an expectations hunt and found many articles. I've include a sampling below. Scary when you make yourself out to be the be-all, cure-all so you can get elected then you have to deal with the reality. If Barack doesn't deliver to all those groups he promised a miracle or two, he's in deep doo-doo. Maybe. Could be he continues to get a pass. We'll see.

AP: Preparing Country for Failing Obama Presidency, Excuses Abound
Liz Sidoti of the Associated Press seems to be setting the table for a certain amount of failure from Barack Obama by helping lower expectations among the people. Her latest AP report is as much as warning that, since he is facing “heady challenges,” we shouldn’t expect too much from him. In other words, before he has even really faced anything at all, Sidoti is making excuses for him almost in the mold of an affirmative action hire. It seems a perfect example of using the soft bigotry of low expectations to make preemptory excuses for Obama....

HARDEV KAUR: All eyes on Obama's sweeping stimulus package
THE incoming occupant of the White House did not mince his words on the state of the United States economy that he is set to inherit and oversee. "It will get worse before it gets better," declared President-elect Barack Obama. He also appears to be lowering expectations for what he can achieve next year, while at the same time, in an effort to check further deterioration and to boost the economy, he announced a stimulus package that boosted prices of stocks around the world.

Obama the Magician
Now that we have finally elected the messiah to come through with the list of solutions and giveaways he promised us, many in his inner circle are lowering expectations for what he will be able to do. The night he defeated Hilary Clinton he said, “I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth.”

Obama: Economy 'a big problem, and it's going to get worse' The Politico - Dec 07 7:34 AM
Obama braced the country for more tough times Sunday, saying the nation’s already dismal economy will worsen. See also: 21st century New Deal

Obama Lowering Expectations Of His Presidency
Obama Lowering Expectations Of His Presidency. Posted by: Curt @ 9:43 am in Barack Obama ... Obama's senior advisers have drawn up plans to lower expectations ...

Obama Advisers To Public: Temper Expectations
Obama Advisers To Public: Temper Expectations - President-elect Barack Obama and his ... Obama Advisers Already Lowering Expectations for President-in-Training ...beltwayblips.com/story/obama_advisers_to_public_temper_expectations

Obama Lowers Expectations
Obama " ... Tuesday, Obama Lowers Expectations. Susan Davis ... "Lowering" expectations? I didn't think there was many expectations to begin with for Obama. ...blogs.wsj.com/.../04/on-eve-of-super-tuesday-obama-lowers-expectations

Thursday, November 27, 2008

MEDIA Blackout on Black Friday

There's info going around about a media blackout on Friday. It's probably too late to get anything really moving given that's TOMORROW, but I did like the idea of continuing to do a blackout every Friday. Let's get on board and start our own passive-aggressive protest! NO media on Fridays.

Reports of GOP death exaggerated


Sure, Republicans have had a hard couple of elections. But you’ll excuse me for suggesting that reports of our death have been more than a little exaggerated. In fact, the electorate shifted only about 4 points from Republicans to Democrats since 2004. That year, George W. Bush took 48 percent of the vote against Barack Obama’s approximately 52 percent in this election. Now, don’t get me wrong, that 4-point shift produced the best vote tally for a national Democrat since Lyndon B. Johnson....

Hat tip to Janet and Carlos (Janet forwarded an email from Carlos).

Thursday, November 20, 2008

FEC May Audit Obama's Fundraising Machine

FEC May Audit Obama's Fundraising Machine
Despite published reports to the contrary, the FEC may probe allegations Obama's campaign received tens of millions in illegal foreign donations and look into hundreds of millions of undisclosed "small" donations, Kenneth Timmerman reports. For the Full Story -- Go Here Now

I figure it won't come to anything. At this point he has so many ties and tentacles into every agency via his friends that we'll never again hear a truthful outcome.

If we don't find out about his birth certificate and citizenship prior to Jan. 20th we can kiss that one goodbye, too.

Yes, I'm in a pessimistic mood today!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Pack Sarah's House! Fill the Rallies!

10/31/2008 12:00:00 PM - York , PA
Road to Victory Rally in York, PA
Please join Governor Sarah Palin for a Road to Victory Rally in York, PA on Friday October 31st.

10/31/2008 3:00:00 PM - Columbus, OH
Road to Victory Rally with John McCain & Arnold Schwarzenegger in Columbus, OH
Please join John McCain & Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for a Road to Victory Rally in Columbus, OH on Friday, October 31st. Doors open at 3pm.

11/1/2008 6:00:00 AM - New Port Richey , FL
Road to Victory Rally in New Port Richey, FL
Please join Governor Sarah Palin for a Road to Victory Rally in New Port Richey, FL on Saturday November 1st.

11/1/2008 7:00:00 AM - Newport News , VA
Road to Victory Rally in Newport News, VA
Please join Senator John McCain for his final Road to Victory Rally in Virginia before the Election. The event will be held on Saturday November 1st in Newport News, VA.

11/1/2008 9:00:00 AM - Springfield, VA
Road to Victory Rally in Springfield, VA
Please join Senator John McCain for his final Road to Victory Rally in Virginia. The event will be held on Saturday November 1st in Springfield, VA.

11/1/2008 9:00:00 AM - Polk City , FL
Road to Victory Rally in Polk City, FL
Please join Governor Sarah Palin for a Road to Victory Rally in Polk City, FL on Saturday November 1st.

11/1/2008 12:00:00 PM - Perkasie , PA
Road to Victory Rally in Perkasie, PA
Please join Senator John McCain for a Road to Victory Rally in Perkasie, PA on Saturday November 1st.

11/1/2008 12:00:00 PM - Ocala , FL
Road to Victory Rally in Ocala, FL
Please join Governor Sarah Palin for a Road to Victory Rally in Ocala, FL on Saturday November 1st.

11/1/2008 4:00:00 PM - Raleigh , NC
Road to Victory Rally in Raleigh, NC
Please join Governor Sarah Palin for a Road to Victory Rally in Raleigh, NC on Saturday November 1st.

11/1/2008 6:30:00 PM - Glen Allen , VA
Road to Victory Rally in Glen Allen, VA
Please join Governor Sarah Palin for her final Road to Victory Rally in Virginia before election day. The event will be held on Saturday November 1st in Glen Allen, VA. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

11/3/2008 12:00:00 PM - Dubuque , IA
Road to Victory Rally in Dubuque, IA
Please join Governor Sarah Palin for a Road to Victory Rally in Dubuque, IA on Monday November 3rd.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

ACORN worried? Nope.

ACORN is being investigated in 15 states. ACORN is openly partisan. ACORN openly promotes voting for Barack Obama.

Do you think they're concerned about the law suits and attacks?


Why should they be?

If they get their guy Obama elected, who's going to come after them? Do you think an Obama Presidency with an overwhelming Democratic Congress is going to go after the group that helped them steal the election? At this point in the game they've been exposed as partisan and if Obama doesn't win, they're toast (we hope). I would bet they're not holding back any more in their quest to get him elected. It's in their own self interest now.

I saw an ACORN ad this morning where they're openly telling voters in Washington DC to vote for Obama. Blatant. They showed it on Fox News about an hour ago but I haven't been able to find it on YouTube yet. I'm sure it'll be there soon!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama's Aunt Found Living in Poverty in Boston

(So, how much wealth is Obama sharing with his "dear" aunt??? Zip... )

Found in a rundown Boston estate: Barack Obama’s aunt Zeituni Onyango
(Tom Pilston/The Times)

Barack Obama has lived one version of the American Dream that has taken him to the steps of the White House. But a few miles from where the Democratic presidential candidate studied at Harvard, his Kenyan aunt and uncle, immigrants living in modest circumstances in Boston, have a contrasting American story.

Zeituni Onyango, the aunt so affectionately described in Mr Obama’s best-selling memoir Dreams from My Father, lives in a disabled-access flat on a rundown public housing estate in South Boston...


Monday, October 27, 2008

Berg Suit Dismissed

I just saw on Grammy Cracker's blog site that the suit Berg brought asking for Obama to provide his birth certificate to prove he was a U.S. citizen was dismissed (by a judge appointed by Bill Clinton, surprise, surprise). The reason? They said only the government could bring suit to get someone to prove citizenship. Makes not a whole lotta sense if you think about it cause the government has the ability to prove whether someone is a citizen or not since they hold all the records.

So why won't Obama provide his birth certificate for the courts? I would normally think this was a bunch of hooey, but it's a simple thing to prove your citizenship. Send a letter to the hospital where you were born, get the records and hand them over. There's always proof of some sort these days. Years back when record keeping was scanty and sketchy this one would be a stretch, but not now.

Why hasn't some enterprising reporter gone to one of the two hospitals Obama and his sister claim he was born in? Sister could go to the one she thinks he was born in, he could go to the one he thinks he was born in and surely one of them would be right. Why hasn't an enterprising Republican zipped over to Kenya to interview people in the hospital his grandmother claims she watched him being born in? How come no one can discount Berg's claims?

We have 8 days left to figure this one out. Over 30% of the country has already voted. Let's get on the stick people and find out if we're trying to break the back of the Constitution in more ways than one here.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sarah Palin and Saturday Night Live

They just had her on so they could have Barack Obama on for longer sometime before the election, probably the weekend right before the final vote.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Do you think Barack Obama is qualified to serve as President of the United States?

Be sure to take this very quick poll and pass it along!

American Family Association wants to know if YOU think Barack Obama is qualified to serve as president of the United States of America.

Let your voice be heard.

Give your input HERE

(This is in response to the poll NOW / PBS is doing on Sarah Palin being qualified... she's the Vice President, not the President, duh... she's more qualified than Barack Obama by miles)

Do you think Barack Obama is qualified to serve as President of the United States?
Yes 9,908
No 205,126
Not Sure 1,907

(Thanks to More Moms for McCain for finding this one and sharing!)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

October Surprise (courtesy McCain-Palin 2008 Blog)

I've set it up so I follow all the other Read My Lipstick Network blogs, which is where I saw this (McCain-Palin08 blog). Tons of great info on what's happening in the election posted on these blogs and zillions of others (that somehow never manage to be found by liberal leaning search engines. Gee you think they're censoring us?).

The video below is ten minutes long but it is well worth the ten minutes. I'm going to go do a bit more research on this. I had heard whispers about it off and on, but never had it put together so clearly and completely.

What scares me the most is that at this point if we found out Obama wasn't eligible to run for President, the crazed, mindless voters who are following him wouldn't care and they'd trash the Constitution to have their savior elected. True Obamanation.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Judge Character by Friends Unless it's Barack Obama

Most of us grew up hearing our parents tell us to be careful who we chose to associate with and who we chose as our friends. They told us people judge us by who we choose to hang around with and the choices we made in life.

Now, as adults, Barack Obama is telling us that it doesn't matter who he has chosen to hang around with his entire adult life.

We are to judge him by what he says, not by what he does or has done.

He won't share any information from his college days.

He discounts a 20 year church relationship.

He plays down his involvement with ACORN.

Who is he going to choose to staff his Cabinet if elected? His friends?

Who is he going to choose to appoint for the Supreme Court?

Where is he going to turn for advice?

He will be able to do anything he wants once he is in the White House as he'll have a Democratic House and Senate. We will no longer have a system of checks and balances.

What happens when he co-opts the Supreme Court, too?

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Proof is in the Pudding Obama

Remember the old saying, "the proof is in the pudding"? I have no idea where that originated, but we all know the meaning. Another way of saying it might be "actions speak louder than words".

However you want to phrase it, Obama is all talk. He tells us he wants to, and will, lower taxes for 95% of the populations (pretty nifty since a huge chunk of those don't pay taxes), but how has he voted?

Last night Sarah Palin said he had voted ninety-four times for higher taxes. He hasn't been up there to vote that much to begin with and when he has voted many have been "present". Yes, he's been making sure he stayed away from controversial votes for quite some time knowing someday he would run for President. Smart man. Bad plan.

Here's a list of the 94 votes Sarah Palin referred to:

In 109th -- 110th Congresses, Obama Voted At Least 94 Times For Higher Taxes. (H.R. 6, CQ Vote #425: Motion Rejected 59-40: R 9-39; D 48-1; I 2-0, 12/13/07, Obama Voted Yea; H.R. 6, CQ Vote #416: Motion Rejected 53-42: R 5-39; D 46-3; I 2-0, 12/7/07, Obama Voted Yea; H.R. 976, CQ Vote #352: Motion Agreed To 69-30: R 18-30; D 49-0; I 2-0, 9/27/07, Obama Voted Yea; H.R. 976, CQ Vote #307: Passed 68-31: R 18-31; D 48-0; I 2-0, 8/2/07, Obama Voted Yea; H.R. 976, CQ Vote #306: Motion Agreed To 67-32: R 17-32; D 48-0; I 2-0, 8/2/07, Obama Voted Yea; H.R. 976, CQ Vote #304: Motion Rejected 49-50: R 48-1; D 1-47; I 0-2, 8/2/07, Obama Voted Nay; H.R. 976, CQ Vote #296: Motion Rejected 39-60: R 37-12; D 2-46; I 0-2, 8/2/07, Obama Voted Nay; H.R. 976, CQ Vote #295: Motion Rejected 47-52: R 46-3; D 1-47; I 0-2, 8/2/07, Obama Voted Nay; H.R. 976, CQ Vote #292: Rejected 36-60: R 1-46; D 33-14; I 2-0, 8/1/07, O bama Voted Yea; H.R. 6, CQ Vote #223: Motion Rejected 57-36: R 10-34; D 45-2; I 2-0, 6/21/07, Obama Voted Yea; H.R. 2206, CQ Vote #181: Motion Agreed To 80-14: R 42-3; D 37-10; I 1-1, 5/24/07, Obama Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 21, CQ Vote #172: Adopted 52-40: R 2-40; D 48-0; I 2-0, 5/17/07, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 21, CQ Vote #161: Motion Rejected 44-51: R 44-2; D 0-47; I 0-2, 5/9/07, Obama Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 21, CQ Vote #159: Motion Agreed To 54-41: R 46-0; D 8-39; I 0-2, 5/9/07, Obama Voted Nay; H.R. 1591, CQ Vote #118: Adopted 74-23: R 25-22; D 47-1; I 2-0, 3/28/07, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 21, CQ Vote #113: Rejected 49-50: R 48-1; D 1-47; I 0-2, 3/23/07, Obama Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 21, CQ Vote #109: Rejected 44-55: R 44-5; D 0-48; I 0-2, 3/23/07, Obama Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 21, CQ Vote #108: Rejected 44-53: R 44-3; D 0-48; I 0-2, 3/23/07, Obama Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 21, CQ Vote #107: Rejected 46-52: R 46-2; D 0-48; I 0-2, 3/23/07, Obama Voted Nay; S. Co n. Res. 21, CQ Vote #105: Adopted 59-40: R 13-36; D 44-4; I 2-0, 3/23/07, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 21, CQ Vote #102: Rejected 48-51: R 48-1; D 0-48; I 0-2, 3/23/07, Obama Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 21, CQ Vote #100: Rejected 46-53: R 46-3; D 0-48; I 0-2, 3/23/07, Obama Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 21, CQ Vote #98: Rejected 42-53: R 42-4; D 0-47; I 0-2, 3/22/07, Obama Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 21, CQ Vote #94: Rejected 38-58: R 0-47; D 36-11; I 2-0, 3/22/07, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 21, CQ Vote #83: Rejected 47-51: R 47-2; D 0-47; I 0-2, 3/21/07, Obama Voted Nay; H.R. 2, CQ Vote #38: Motion Rejected 46-50: R 44-3; D 2-45; I 0-2, 1/31/07, Obama Voted Nay; H.R. 2, CQ Vote #37: Motion Agreed To 49-48: R 1-46; D 46-2; I 2-0, 1/31/07, Obama Voted Yea; H.R. 2, CQ Vote #32: Motion Agreed To 50-42: R 3-42; D 45-0; I 2-0, 1/25/07, Obama Voted Yea; H.R. 2, CQ Vote #30: Motion Rejected 43-50: R 42-3; D 1-45; I 0-2, 1/25/07, Obama Voted Nay; H.R. 2, CQ Vote #28: Motion Rejected 42-51: R 41-4; D 1-45; I 0-2, 1/25/07, Obama Voted Nay; S. 256, CQ Vote #27: Rejected 38-61: R 38-17; D 0-43; I 0-1, 3/7/05, Obama Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 18, CQ Vote #50: Rejected 46-54: R 1-54; D 44-0; I 1-0, 3/15/05, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 18, CQ Vote #61: Rejected 44-56: R 1-54; D 42-2; I 1-0, 3/17/05, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 18, CQ Vote #63: Rejected 40-59: R 0-54; D 40-4; I 0-1, 3/17/05, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 18, CQ Vote #81: Adopted 51-49: R 51-4; D 0-44; I 0-1, 3/17/05, Obama Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 18, CQ Vote #65: Rejected 49-51: R 4-51; D 44-0; I 1-0, 3/17/05, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 18, CQ Vote #68: Motion Adopted 51-49: R 6-49; D 44-0; I 1-0, 3/17/05, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 18, CQ Vote #70: Rejected 45-55: R 0-55; D 44-0; I 1-0, 3/17/05, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 18, CQ Vote #74: Motion Adopted 55-45: R 50-5; D 5-39; I 0-1, 3/17/05, Obama Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 18, CQ Vote #75: Rejected 47-53: R 3-52; D 43-1; I 1-0, 3/17/05, Obama V oted Yea; S. Con. Res. 18, CQ Vote #78: Rejected 45-55: R 0-55; D 44-0; I 1-0, 3/17/05, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 18, CQ Vote #79: Rejected 37-63: R 1-54; D 35-9; I 1-0, 3/17/05, Obama Voted Yea; H. Con. Res. 95, CQ Vote #114: Motion Adopted 52-47: R 52-3; D 0-43; I 0-1, 4/28/05, Obama Voted Nay; H.R. 3058, CQ Vote #258: Motion Rejected 42-57: R 42-13; D 0-43; I 0-1, 10/19/05, Obama Voted Nay; S. 2020, CQ Vote #330: Rejected 44-55: R 2-53; D 41-2; I 1-0, 11/17/05, Obama Voted Yea; S. 2020, CQ Vote #331: Motion Rejected 35-64: R 0-55; D 34-9; I 1-0, 11/17/05, Obama Voted Yea; S. 2020, CQ Vote #333: Motion Rejected 40-59: R 1-54; D 38-5; I 1-0, 11/17/05, Obama Voted Yea; S. 2020, CQ Vote #337: Motion Rejected 43-55: R 0-54; D 42-1; I 1-0, 11/17/05, Obama Voted Yea; S. 2020, CQ Vote #338: Motion Rejected 36-62: R 0-54; D 35-8; I 1-0, 11/17/05, Obama Voted Yea; S. 2020, CQ Vote #339: Motion Rejected 50-48: R 9-45; D 40-3; I 1-0, 11/17/05, Obama Voted Yea; S. 2020, CQ Vote #3 41: Motion Rejected 33-65: R 0-54; D 32-11; I 1-0, 11/17/05, Obama Voted Yea; S. 2020, CQ Vote #343: Motion Rejected 43-55: R 1-53; D 41-2; I 1-0, 11/17/05, Obama Voted Yea; S. 2020, CQ Vote #345: Motion Rejected 47-51: R 3-51; D 43-0; I 1-0, 11/17/05, Obama Voted Yea; S. 2020, CQ Vote #346: Motion Rejected 42-56: R 0-54; D 41-2; I 1-0, 11/17/05, Obama Voted Yea; S. 2020, CQ Vote #347: Passed 64-33: R 49-4; D 15-28; I 0-1, 11/18/05, Obama Voted Nay; H.R. 4297, CQ Vote #7: Motion Rejected 44-53: R 1-52; D 42-1; I 1-0, 2/2/06, Obama Voted Yea; H.R. 4297, CQ Vote #8: Motion Rejected 44-53: R 1-52; D 42-1; I 1-0, 2/2/06, Obama Voted Yea; H.R. 4297, CQ Vote #10: Passed 66-31: R 49-4; D 17-26; I 0-1, 2/2/06, Obama Voted Nay; H.R. 4297, CQ Vote #15: Motion Rejected 40-53: R 1-52; D 39-1; I 0-0, 2/13/06, Obama Voted Yea; H.R. 4297, CQ Vote #16: Motion Agreed To 53-47: R 51-4; D 2-42; I 0-1, 2/14/06, Obama Voted Nay; H.R. 4297, CQ Vote #17: Motion Rejected 47-53: R 3-52; D 43- 1; I 1-0, 2/14/06, Obama Voted Yea; H.R. 4297, CQ Vote #18: Motion Rejected 45-55: R 1-54; D 43-1; I 1-0, 2/14/06, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 83, CQ Vote #39: Rejected 50-50: R 5-50; D 44-0; I 1-0, 3/14/06, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 83, CQ Vote #41: Rejected 46-54: R 1-54; D 44-0; I 1-0, 3/14/06, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 83, CQ Vote #42: Rejected 46-54: R 3-52; D 42-2; I 1-0, 3/14/06, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 83, CQ Vote #43: Rejected 45-53: R 1-53; D 43-0; I 1-0, 3/15/06, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 83, CQ Vote #45: Rejected 43-55: R 0-54; D 42-1; I 1-0, 3/15/06, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 83, CQ Vote #47: Rejected 43-53: R 0-53; D 42-0; I 1-0, 3/15/06, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 83, CQ Vote #51: Rejected 44-53: R 1-53; D 42-0; I 1-0, 3/15/06, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 83, CQ Vote #57: Motion Adopted 51-49: R 6-49; D 44-0; I 1-0, 3/16/06, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 83, CQ Vote #60: Rejected 48-49: R 5-49; D 42-0; I 1-0, 3/16/06, Obama Voted Y ea; S. Con. Res. 83, CQ Vote #61: Rejected 42-56: R 0-55; D 41-1; I 1-0, 3/16/06, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 83, CQ Vote #63: Rejected 46-54: R 2-53; D 43-1; I 1-0, 3/16/06, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 83, CQ Vote #64: Rejected 49-51: R 4-51; D 44-0; I 1-0, 3/16/06, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 83, CQ Vote #66: Rejected 48-52: R 3-52; D 44-0; I 1-0, 3/16/06, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 83, CQ Vote #67: Rejected 46-53: R 2-52; D 43-1; I 1-0, 3/16/06, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 83, CQ Vote #69: Rejected 43-57: R 1-54; D 41-3; I 1-0, 3/16/06, Obama Voted Yea; H.R. 4297, CQ Vote #118: Motion Adopted 54-44: R 51-3; D 3-40; I 0-1, 5/11/06, Obama Voted Nay; H.R. 8, CQ Vote #164: Motion Rejected 57-41: R 53-2; D 4-38; I 0-1, 6/8/06, Obama Voted Nay; H.R. 5970, CQ Vote #229: Motion Rejected 56-42: R 52-3; D 4-38; I 0-1, 8/3/06, Obama Voted Nay; H.R. 4954, CQ Vote #244: Motion Agreed To 57-41: R 54-0; D 3-40; I 0-1, 9/13/06, Obama Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #142: A dopted 48- 45: R 2- 44; D 44- 1; I 2-0, 6/4/08, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #85, Adopted 51-44: R 2-43; D 47-1; I 2-0, 3/14/08, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #82, Rejected 45-51: R 45-1; D 0-48; I 0-2, 3/14/08, Obama Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #77, Rejected 48-50: R 47-1; D 1-47; I 0-2, 3/13/08, Obama Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #74, Rejected 49-50: R 48-1; D 1-47; I 0-2, 3/13/08, Obama Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #50: Rejected 50-50: R 48-1; D 2-47; I 0-2, 3/13/08, Obama Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #52: Rejected 47-53: R 47-2; D 0-49; I 0-2, 3/13/08, Obama Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #48: Rejected 49-51: R 48-1; D 1-48; I 0-2, 3/13/08, Obama Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #43: Rejected 47-52: R 47-2; D 0-48; I 0-2, 3/13/08, Obama Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #47: Motion Agreed To: 50-50: R 49-0, Vice President Cheney Casting A Yea' Vote; D 1-48; I 0-2, 3/13/08, Obama Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 70, C Q Vote #46: Motion Rejected 49-51: R 0-49; D 47-2; I 2-0, 3/13/08, Obama Voted Yea S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #45: Rejected 49-50: R 47-1; D 2-47; I 0-2, 3/13/08, Obama Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #64: Rejected 43-55: R 1-47; D 40-8; I 2-0, 3/13/08, Obama Voted Yea)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Christian Science Monitor: Will bank bailout revive growth?

Now that Congress appears poised to sign off on a rescue plan for Wall Street, will that save the United States from an economic downturn?

Many economists think not. Even before lawmakers announced a tentative bailout deal early Sunday, the data were showing declines in business spending, a hunkered-down consumer, and rising unemployment. The US economy is, by most indications, on the leading edge of a recession.


President Bush Comments on "Economic Rescue" (aka bailout)

Today, a bipartisan group of Members of Congress, working with my Administration, reached agreement on economic rescue legislation that is urgently needed to address a crisis in our financial system that threatens the entire U.S. economy.

I appreciate the leadership shown by Members on both sides of the aisle, who came together to write a very good bill. This bill provides the necessary tools and funding to help protect our economy against a system-wide breakdown. The bill will help allow access to credit so American families can meet their daily needs and American businesses can make purchases, ship goods, and meet their payrolls. And this plan sends a strong signal to markets around the world that the United States is serious about restoring confidence and stability to our financial system. Without this rescue plan, the costs to the American economy could be disastrous.

Many Members of Congress contributed important ideas to improve the legislation my Administration proposed. I appreciate the negotiators considering those ideas and incorporating them in this agreement.

Members of Congress will vote on this legislation soon. This is a difficult vote, but with the improvements made to the bill, I am confident Congress will do what is best for our economy by approving this legislation promptly.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

What goes with Oprah?

Heard something new was going on with Oprah dissing Sarah Palin?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bill and Hillary Clinton aren't making Obama happy

Hill and Bill won't join in and slap Sarah around, or John McCain either! Obama ain't likin' it and neither are his minions. AP story talks about, you'll have to click the link at the end to finish 'cause I don't want to get in trouble with the copyright gestapo.

You know why they won't dump on McCain and Sarah? Cause Hill is running for Prez in the future and they need all those independent and female voters they'd alienate if they dumped.
Bill Clinton: I won't dump on McCain
6 hours ago
Former President Clinton says if Democrats want someone to dump on John McCain, he's not the guy.
Some members of his party have been complaining that Clinton has not been enthusiastic enough in his support for Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, who defeated Clinton's wife in the primary campaign, and heaping too much praise on McCain.
But Clinton told CNN's "Larry King Live" on Wednesday that he doesn't think "dumping" on McCain or his running mate, Sarah Palin, is a winning strategy. He said undecided voters aren't interested in attacks but solutions for the problems they face.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Financial crisis causes glee amongst liberal media...

It struck me today as I was listening for the umpteenth time to a media-type comment how the financial crisis has kicked news of Sarah Palin off the top of the news-heap that they sounded positively gleeful about it! I'm so glad that this crisis is giving them something two things to feel happy about!

The first of course, is their contention that bad news in the economy is bad news for John McCain.

They were almost jumping up and down about early voting starting today in some states and how it should help Barack Obama given the current financial crisis.

I saw a good analysis of the current financial situation on the JMac Politics blog. I gather she found it on someone else's blog, so I will lift it from her and post a link here, too! It's on Bloomberg.

How the Democrats Created the Financial Crisis: Kevin Hassett


Sept. 22 (Bloomberg) — The financial crisis of the past year has provided a number of surprising twists and turns, and from Bear Stearns Cos. to American International Group Inc., ambiguity has been a big part of the story.

Why did Bear Stearns fail, and how does that relate to AIG? It all seems so complex. But really, it isn’t. Enough cards on this table have been turned over that the story is now clear.

The economic history books will describe this episode in simple and understandable terms: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac exploded, and many bystanders were injured in the blast, some fatally.

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601039&refer=columnist_hassett&sid=aSKSoiNbnQY0(Thanks to http://mccainpalin2008.blogspot.com/ for finding this and posting this!)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Encouraging Numbers in Florida

America Needs Sarah Palin posted this and I thought it was well worth spreading around!

Palin draws crowd of 60,000 in The Villages
By Bill Cotterell • news-press.com capital bureau • September 21, 2008
THE VILLAGES -- Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin told wildly cheering, flag-waving, chanting supporters that John McCain is "the only great man in this race" and promised Sunday he will fix the nation's economy if voters give the GOP four more years in the White House. "He won't say this, so I'll say it for him," the Alaska governor said in an almost confidential tone at the close of her first Florida stump speech. "There is only one man in this election who has ever really fought for you. John McCain wore the uniform of his country for 22 years -- talk about tough."

Barack Obama is losing out the the Moose Shootin' Barracuda Babe! What a crowd! You know Obama is losing sleep over this kind of stuff as he figured he had it made in the shade before Sarah Palin came on board.

Saw the new Read My Lipstick Network blogs! If I counted correctly we're up to 21 blogs now? I'm excited to see the proliferation of McCain-Palin blogs that are springing up everywhere. We have to keep the momentum going all the way through November 4th.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Join the Grassroots Movement for John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin

1. Debate-Watching Parties: Friday, September 26th
The first presidential debate will be held Friday, September 26th, at the University of Mississippi. This debate is something you won't want to miss and that's why we're asking you to follow this link to host or attend a Debate-Watching Party on September 26th.

As the host of a McCain Nation party, you will receive a packet of resources including a suggested party agenda, campaign information and McCain-Palin gear. We're asking you to register your party before Monday, September 22nd, to receive this packet in advance of your party. Visit www.JohnMcCain.com/McCainNation to start planning your event.

2. Vote Early or Vote Absentee
Now more than ever, your vote is critical. And there's no better way to vote than by voting early, or with an absentee ballot. Voting early, or with an absentee ballot, is the best way to avoid the long line on Election Day and get your vote counted. Many states allow you to vote early by requesting an absentee ballot through the mail.

Visit www.JohnMcCain.com/AB for more details on early voting and absentee ballot requests in your state. If you're not registered to vote, follow this link to register right away.

3. Make Phone Calls from Home
Reaching out to undecided voters in your state is vital to spreading the word that John McCain and Governor Palin are the right choice for voters all across America. That's why we're asking you to take a few minutes or even a free evening to make calls for John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin.Visit www.JohnMcCain.com/PhoneBank to get started today.

From the McCain-Palin 2008 Campaign on the Obama Lies in Spanish Ad

Today, the McCain-Palin 2008 campaign issued the following statement from U.S. Representative Lincoln Diaz-Balart on the Obama campaign's "offensive and dishonest" immigration ad:

"It is offensive and dishonest for Barack Obama to lie about John McCain's record on immigration and years of support for the Hispanic community, when it was Barack Obama himself who voted for 'poison pill' amendments that killed the effort at immigration reform. Instead of making false ads with baseless attacks, Barack Obama should be apologizing to the Latino community."

In Case You Missed It: "Obama's New Spanish Language TV Ad Es Erroneo"

From the Fact Check Desk: Obama's New Spanish Language TV Ad Es Errneo
Jake Tapper
ABC's Political Punch Blog
September 17, 2008 5:53 PM
Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., has launched a new Spanish-language TV ad that seeks to paint Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., as anti-immigrant, even tying the Republican to his longtime conservative talk-radio nemesis Rush Limbaugh.

As first reported by the Washington Post, Obama's ad features a narrator saying: "They want us to forget the insults we've put up with...the intolerance...they made us feel marginalized in this country we love so much."

The screen then shows these two quotes from Limbaugh:

"...stupid and unskilled Mexicans"--Rush Limbaugh

"You shut your mouth or you get out!"--Rush Limbaugh

The narrator then says, "John McCain and his Republican friends have two faces. One that says lies just to get our vote...and another, even worse, that continues the policies of George Bush that put special interests ahead of working families. John McCain...more of the same old Republican tricks."

There are some real factual problems with this ad, which is titled "Dos Caras," or two faces.
First of all, tying Sen. McCain -- especially on the issue of immigration reform -- to Limbaugh is unfair.

Limbaugh opposed McCain on that issue. Vociferously. And in a larger sense, it's unfair to link McCain to Limbaugh on a host of issues since Limbaugh, as any even occasional listener of his knows, doesn't particularly care for McCain.

Second, the quotes of Limbaugh's are out of context.

Railing against NAFTA in 1993, Limbaugh said, "If you are unskilled and uneducated, your job is going south. Skilled workers, educated people are going to do fine 'cause those are the kinds of jobs NAFTA is going to create. If we are going to start rewarding no skills and stupid people, I'm serious, let the unskilled jobs that take absolutely no knowledge whatsoever to do -- let stupid and unskilled Mexicans do that work."

Not one of his most eloquent moments, to be sure, but his larger point was that NAFTA would mean that unskilled stupid Mexicans would be doing the jobs of unskilled stupid Americans.
I'm not going to defend how he said it, but to act as if this was just a moment of Limbaugh slurring Mexicans is not accurate. Though again, certainly if people were offended I could understand why.

The second quote is totally unfair. In 2006, Limbaugh was mocking Mexican law, and he wrote:
"Everybody's making immigration proposals these days. Let me add mine to the mix. Call it The Limbaugh Laws:

"First: If you immigrate to our country, you have to speak the native language. You have to be a professional or an investor; no unskilled workers allowed. Also, there will be no special bilingual programs in the schools with the Limbaugh Laws. No special ballots for elections. No government business will be conducted in your language. Foreigners will not have the right to vote or hold political office.

"If you're in our country, you cannot be a burden to taxpayers. You are not entitled to welfare, food stamps, or other government goodies. You can come if you invest here: an amount equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage. If not, stay home. But if you want to buy land, it'll be restricted. No waterfront, for instance. As a foreigner, you must relinquish individual rights to the property.

"And another thing: You don't have the right to protest. You're allowed no demonstrations, no foreign flag waving, no political organizing, no bad-mouthing our President or his policies. you're a foreigner: shut your mouth or get out! And if you come here illegally, you're going to jail.
"You think the Limbaugh Laws are harsh? Well, every one of the laws I just mentioned are actual laws of Mexico today! That' how the Mexican government handles immigrants to their country. Yet Mexicans come here illegally and protest in our streets!

"How do you say double standard' in Spanish? How about: No mas!'"

But even if one is uninclined to see Limbaugh's quotes as having been taken unfairly out of context, linking them to McCain makes as much sense as running a quote from Bill Maher and linking it to Obama.

Asked for backup as to how Obama could link McCain to Limbaugh, the campaign provided this interview with McCain refusing to condemn the Minutemen from from the Kansas City Star:

Q: Are they a good thing? The Civil Defense Corps, do you think -- do they help in the immigration fight, or not?'

A: I think they're citizens who are entitled to being engaged in the process. They're obviously very concerned about immigration.'

Q: Are they helpful?'

A: I think that's up to others to judge. I don't agree with them, but they certainly are exercising their legal rights as citizens.'

Asked about the "lies" they're accusing McCain of telling, the Obama campaign provided evidence that McCain in July 2008 told La Raza that he would have voted for the DREAM act, a bill that provides scholarships for the children of illegal immigrants, even thought he earlier in the campaign season said he would have voted against the bill.

Let's delver further into this.

In the November 2007, Myrtle Beach Sun-News, McCain said of the DREAM Act, which he had cosponsored in the past, "I think it has certain virtues associated with it. And I think other things have virtues associated with it. But the message is they want the borders secured first."

The newspaper noted that McCain said he'd vote against a temporary worker program, even though he supports the idea. "I will vote against anything until we secure the borders," he said. "There is no way we're going to enact piecemeal immigration reform."

Before La Raza, McCain was asked by a young Latina if he'd support the DREAM Act, and he said, "Yes. Yes."

The full exchange, however, goes like this:

QUESTIONER: Hi. I'm a part of One Dream 2009 and I am one of the 6 million who either have an undocumented parent or is undocumented and I wanted to know if you would support humanity all around the world and support our Dream Act that we are trying to pass.

MCCAIN: Yes. Yes. Thank you. But I will also enforce the existing laws of a country. And a nation's first requirement is the nation's security, and that's why we have to have our borders secured. But, we can have a way and a process of people obtaining citizenship in this country. And, we cannot penalize people who come here legally and people who wait legally. And so, that's a fundamental principle on which we have to operate. Thank you.

The Obama campaign also provided a number of conflicting comments McCain has made about offering greater funding for education programs in the No Child Left Behind act, then telling the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials in June that he "would fully fund those programs that have never been fully funded," while not suggesting any greater funding for the bill when he's talked about education in front of whiter audiences.

That ignored the fact that McCain has suggested reallocating the way the $23 bill for NCLB is spent.

McCain has changed his rhetoric and his emphasis when discussing immigration after almost losing the GOP presidential nomination because of it.

He now says the borders must be secured before anything else happens. And in that, he's opened himself up to charges of flip-flopping, though the Obama campaign is quoting him selectively and unfairly to make their points.

The greater implication the ad makes, however, is that McCain is no friend to Latinos at all, beyond issues of funding the DREAM act or how NCLB money is distributed. By linking McCain to Limbaugh's quotes, twisting Limbaugh's quotes, and tying McCain to more extremist anti-immigration voices, the Obama campaign has crossed a line into misleading the viewers of its new TV ad. In Spanish, the word is errneo.

Obama's Different. Sure he is.

Politics as usual is more like it. More of the same is more like it. Lies, lies, lies. Move-on dot org du jour.

Old Media Helps Obama Push False Rush Limbaugh Immigration Quotes
By Warner Todd Huston
September 18, 2008 - 05:21 ET
Yesterday, the Washington Post's Ed O'Keefe reported that the Obama campaign was releasing some new Spanish language campaign ads on TV in Florida and other markets that feature Rush Limbaugh making what appears to be anti-Mexican comments. The ads then link Limbaugh to McCain on immigration attempting to smear them both in the minds of voters. The Limbaugh quotes, however, are so out of context that their use constitutes a lie. Unfortunately, too many media outlets are allowing these lies to stand unchallenged.

Limbaugh, hitting back over usage in ad, says Obama "stoking racism"
Rush Limbaugh, featured in a new, Spanish-language Barack Obama ad, says the commercial distorts his past statements and amounts to "race-baiting" by the Democratic nominee. The commercial, to air in Limbaugh's home state of Florida as well as Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada, features a picture of the conservative talk show host and shows his words on the screen: "Mexicans are stupid and unqualified" and "Shut your mouth or get out." It was first reported by the Washington Post's Ed O'Keefe.

From the Fact Check Desk: Obama's New Spanish Language TV Ad Es ErrĂ³neo
September 17, 2008 5:53 PM
Natalie Gewargis
Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., has launched a new Spanish-language TV ad that seeks to paint Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., as anti-immigrant, even tying the Republican to his longtime conservative talk-radio nemesis Rush Limbaugh.
As first reported by the Washington Post, Obama's ad features a narrator saying: "They want us to forget the insults we’ve put up with…the intolerance…they made us feel marginalized in this country we love so much."
The screen then shows these two quotes from Limbaugh:
“…stupid and unskilled Mexicans”—Rush Limbaugh
"You shut your mouth or you get out!”—Rush Limbaugh

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Senator Schumer, say what???

I'm listening to the Talks. First, on Fox News Juan Williams says something along the lines of "REPORTERS are going to Alaska and asking questions, doing research trying to PIERCE the good news, find negative things, about Sarah Palin." Now obviously that's a real broad paraphrase of what he said, but he basically said reporters were trying to find trash on her to stop all the good stuff that's coming out...

But that's not what this is about, just had to mention it 'cause it was SO telling.

Carl Rove (the EVIL architect of the EVIL Bush campaign... per typical trash talking liberals) says John McCain is making a mistake by going to far with his negative ads, needs to stop with the negative ads and talk about the issues basically.

Then, on Meet the Press, Senator Schumer, after regurgitating the usual mantra about continuing Bush policies, more of the same (talk about more of the same, am I the only one who is getting tired of the same old drivel???), says John McCain is putting out negative ads at the direction of Carl Rove.

The libs have their talking points and they stick to them whether they make any sense or not. What's really bad is that then their minions repeat them like zombies. Do we not have any minds anymore who can look at things independently and check real facts???